For an updated list of publications, see also my Google Scholar page


F. Schuessler, F. Mastrogiuseppe, S. Ostojic and O. Barak, “Aligned and oblique dynamics in recurrent neural networks”, eLife (2024)
[ journal ] [ arxiv ] [ github ]

F. Mastrogiuseppe, N. Hiratani and P. Latham, “Evolution of neural activity in circuits bridging sensory and abstract knowledge”, eLife (2023)
[ journal ] [ bioRxiv ] [ github ]

A. Dubreuil, A. Valente, M. Beiran, F. Mastrogiuseppe and S. Ostojic, “The role of population structure in computations through neural dynamics”, Nature Neuroscience (2022)
[ journal ] [ bioRxiv ] [ github ]

L. Susman*, F. Mastrogiuseppe*, N. Brenner and O. Barak, “Quality of internal representation shapes learning performance in feedback neural networks”, Physical Review Research (2021)
* = equal contribution, random order
[ journal ] [ arxiv ]

M. Beiran, A. Dubreuil, A. Valente, F. Mastrogiuseppe and S. Ostojic, “Shaping dynamics with multiple populations in low-rank recurrent networks”, Neural Computation (2021)
[ journal ] [ arxiv ] [ github ]

F. Schuessler, F. Mastrogiuseppe, A. Dubreuil, S. Ostojic and O. Barak, “The interplay between randomness and structure during learning in RNNs”, NeurIPS (2020)
[ journal ] [ arxiv ] [ github ]

F. Schuessler, A. Dubreuil, F. Mastrogiuseppe, S. Ostojic and O. Barak, “Dynamics of random recurrent networks with correlated low-rank structure”, Physical Review Research (2020)
[ journal ] [ arxiv ]

F. Mastrogiuseppe and S. Ostojic, “A geometrical description of global dynamics in trained networks”, Neural Computation (2019)
[ journal ] [ arxiv ] [ github ]

F. Mastrogiuseppe and S. Ostojic, “Linking connectivity, dynamics and computations in low-rank recurrent neural networks”, Neuron (2018)
[ journal ] [ arxiv ] [ github ]

F. Mastrogiuseppe and S. Ostojic, “Intrinsically generated fluctuations in excitatory-inhibitory networks”, PLOS Computational Biology (2017)
[ journal ] [ arxiv ]

PhD thesis

“From dynamics to computations in recurrent neural networks”, École Normale Supérieure Paris
Supervisors: Srdjan Ostojic, Vincent Hakim
Committee: Tatjana Tchumatchenko, Guillaume Hennequin, Jean Pierre Nadal, Peter Latham, Khashayar Pakdaman
[ link ]

Master thesis

“Robust inference of causal models: applications to spontaneous activity of zebrafish brain”, Politecnico di Torino - Institut Curie Paris
Supervisor: Isambert Hervé
Committee: Riccardo Zecchina
[ link ]